About the Journal

Mega Buana Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems is published biannually in June and December, and all submissions undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest academic standards. This journal welcomes original research articles, review papers, and case studies in English or Bahasa Indonesia.

The journal is committed to advancing scientific discovery and innovation by providing free and unrestricted access to its content, ensuring global visibility and impact.

Journal Title

Mega Buana Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems (MBCSIS)

Abbreviation Mega Buana J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst.
DOI prefix 10.59183/mbcsis
Online ISSN xxxx-xxxx
Indexed Garuda | Crossref | Copernicus | Google Scholar
Publisher Fakultas Informatika UMBP bekerjasama LPPM Universitas Mega Buana Palopo